Our Values - Descriptions

Accountability and Humility - Active listening and participation, and sensitivity towards the needs of others. Recognising that we don’t have all the answers

Anti-Racist - Zero tolerance policy on racial discrimination. We uphold and amplify the voices of those who have been deliberately underrepresented in the international development and non-profit space.  

Intentional and Intersectional - Honor and prioritise the emotional labor and boundaries that uphold the wellbeing and care of Black, Indigenous and People of Color, especially the members of this working group and work to embed intersectionality in all we do. 

Radical Empathy - Appreciative environment where we celebrate individual strengths and are mindful that members have different ways of communicating, learning, and processing issues impacting BIPOC. We centre our lived experience and are mindful of our positionality and layers of privilege.

Transparency - We are dedicated to working openly and with radical candour

Welcoming Space - A space that is welcoming of a diversity of knowledge, thoughts, and experiences, and open to any and all questions.