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Letter from the Racial Equity Index Working Group

We want to thank you for your patience as we worked to intentionally analyse the rich data that we gained from the 791 unique responses we received from our Global Mapping Survey - the first step in building the Racial Equity Index.

As a volunteer, BIPOC-led collective the data analysis of the Global Mapping Survey was done deliberately to ensure that we ask all relevant questions of ourselves and of the data that was presented. The data you see before you, along with our analysis, has been peer-reviewed at every stage both internally by our working group members but also by our independent peer-review group

An important note we want to make: The demographic and indicator data that we are releasing now are part of a larger picture, which is in conversation with the qualitative data that we are currently analysing. The demographic & indicator data and our respective analyses are snapshots of some of the findings we are noting but NOT the full picture.

Please refer to our methodology page to understand how we constructed the survey and why we chose to embark on this journey to building an index for racial equity for the global development sector. 

The data we are presenting here is currently in English, but we hope to translate the full analysis into additional languages in the future. If you use Google Chrome then you can translate the website text into the languages available by using the extension here.  

Our next step is to continue the analysis of the qualitative data and its relationships to the quantitative data, which we will release once completed. In the meantime, we hope you find this data report as enlightening as we did. We welcome your comments, reflections, concerns, or questions - at

The Racial Equity Index Working Group 

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